Of all of these combinations, the merle is probably the least common color pattern. You will find Collies in this list of colors: Red, red merle, black, sable, sable merle, saddleback sable, white and black, white an blue, white and blue merle, white and red, white and red merle, white ticked, blue, and blue merle. There are many different colors and color combinations of the Border Collie. Here are five things you didn’t know about the Blue Merle Border Collie.ġ. If you have ever had any contact with the Blue Merle and know what type of dog this is, now you can learn more. To look at him, you can’t help by being in awe of the beautiful, striking color combos, and unique eyes. Arguably one of the most beautiful, is the Blue Merle color.
Border Collies come in an array of coat colors and mixtures. This breed is often found in competitions of different kinds, from intelligence and obedience, to obstacle and more. They love to work and have tasks to do, otherwise they get very bored. They were originally bred for herding and have a high need for keeping busy and active. They are known for their long snouts, beautiful coats, and their superior intelligence, making them some of the most trainable dogs of any. All Border Collies are some of the most unique dogs of any breed.